UA-158788193-1 Resource management - CI confidential GmbH

Innovative solutions for the management of external resources.

CI confidential offers many years of experience in the management of external resources in different industries.

We can assist in defining your strategy, conduct selection processes for service providers, audit existing service providers or take over specific services.

Our services cover the complete value chain assuring cost transparency and efficiency.

Areas of Expertise:

+ IT Freelancers (Architects, Testers, Programmers SCRUM Masters)
+ Development teams nearshore and offshore
+ Engineers
+ Technical services
+ FM services
+ Security
+ Temp Labor
+ Building services
+ KEP services and security transport
+ Architects
+ Consultants
+ Third Party Management (service providers)
+ Workbench concepts

CI confidential assures cost transparency and efficiency in the management of service providers.

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